

The Fast and the furious went down a storm when it was first released, but unfortunately it led to a genre of film based around it. Biker boys came first and then 2 Fast 2 Furious. Biker boys was alright, and I think that the second Fast and furious is possibly batter than the first. So this leads us onto the next installment, Torque.
Martin Henderson stars as Ford, who is on the run from the police after a Biker group had hidden drugs in a motorbike he was fixing up. With the FBI looking for him, Ford has returned home from Thailand to try to settle things. It's not long before Ford has managed to find himself in a spot of bother with another site of Bikers led by Trey (Ice T). The story then focuses on the imploding situation between the police, the bikers and Ford, who continually tries to clear his name.
It's obvious from the get go that this film isn't going to take itself too seriously, and it was at this point that I took my brain out and carried on watching. Definitely a popcorn type of movie, although hopefully, you will still come away from it with a smile on your face. The acting is okay, and probably all that could of been hoped for from a script that is littered with cheesy chunks.
'I live my life a quarter mile of a time'
Cheddar overload! But, its the fast past and chase sequences that manage to make the film watchable. There are some ridiculous elements with bike chases on top and through a moving train, and outrageous wheelies and spins in a forest. They are well performed and the computer effects are good right up till the very end. Its during these sequences you end up cheering on the goodies, exactly as the filmmakers planned.
The problem lies with the ending. A simple idea it may be, but the CG is dreadful. Think The Rock in The Mummy returns as the scorpion king and multiply the crapness to the millionth power and you'll be some where close. A chase sequence with bikes going at speeds beyond possible should of been brilliant, but it ends up looking like a comic book. I can't describe how bad they look, it is almost cringing at points, that the producers actually expected you to think that the actors were actually doing the chase. This did really put a dampener on the film for me as I had really enjoyed the no brainer aspect up till the end.
So, its obvious that this film is never going to win any awards, but it doesn't make it crap. Watch this film with a few beers, a few mates and you'll probably enjoy it. Watch it on our own and believe its going to be the next Oscar winner, and you'll be leaving with a bad taste in your mouth.
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