
The French are definetly strange creatures is my first point after seeing this remarkable film. Most recently French cinema seems to of undergone a transformation especially in the eyes of the British cinema going public, Amelie propelled French cinema into the lives and living rooms of normal British citizens who normally wouldn't dare to watch a film with subtitles. Now Amelie is a great film but one of its predecessors is a mile better. Delicatessen shares a similar cast, due to the director Jean-Pierre Jeunet and is a darker, more mysterious film. Irreversible on the other hand goes further than any film I have seen recently. Dark, moody and down right shocking in places with its graphic depiction of violence in a natural environment. This could take place in any city, in any country, right now. It doesn't require a futuristic setting like Kubrick's A clockwork Orange, that's why it seems so much realer.
It's impossible to really explain the film without giving too much away. The joy of watching it for the first time will never be repeated as you will know what's coming next, but its not your standard story or time line. Based around the life of a couple Alex and Marcus, and their friend Pierre (who happens to be Alex's ex). The rapid destruction of the 3 lives takes seconds but no doubt the consequences will live with all 3 forever.
A simple morale runs through the entire story - time changes everything. This couldn't be more true with this film. Starting at a point which would make anyone feel physically sick and ending with a lovely scene which brings everything together and brings a sense of joy to a film that really shouldn't make you feel happy. It's almost coming away with a guilty feeling of warmness from a deep foreboding film that could play on your mind for days.
Having been told about this, but not really knowing too much a bout it definitely made the experience better, so I'll leave you to make your own mind up about a film that has no doubt changed the way French cinema will be portrayed in a much more sinister way than Delicatessen or Amelie could ever imagine.
Ok, I would never have watched this film had I come across it of my own accord. From a scan of the cover it didn't really strike me of anything I would want to watch.
Now I am a seeker of the shocking, the gory and, when I can find it, the spooky! The opening scenes of the film are enough to make you want to turn off with a strong feeling of nausea. No, not because of what you actually see, but how the scenes are filmed! Stay with it, the use of the camera is indeed nauseating but creates the relevant feeling of confusion and I feel brings out the next series of scenes well.
This film is not for people who are easily offened as it is very graphic (some scenes left me cold and flinching!) but it is such a realistic story that you can not, one would hope, relate to but could say yeah I know it happens.
A very clever film, watched by myself initially just to see what the shocks were, I was captivated to the end.
I know some people are put off by subtitles but don't be. I have seen some cracking foreign films lately that were subtitled and were amazing!
I would recommend to anyone but not those with a sensitive disposition.
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