

Well, the blockbuster season draws to an end and the serious contenders for next years Oscars start to hit the cinema. This is stuck firmly in the former category, a comic book blockbuster. Big special effects, explosions, no plot and cheesy lines. Firstly, a lot of people will be going 'Hellboy, never bloody heard of him'. Indeed, this is true I had never heard of it, and unfortunately I wish this was still the case as this film stinks more than mcdonalds garbage bags.
Ron Perlman stars as Hellboy, a paranormal creature sucked into this universe by Nazi's at the end of world war 2. 60 years later, the same Nazi bastards with the help of an immortal Rasputin are at it again, trying to end in the world in an apocalyptic nightmare. Sounds like a great idea hey! I can hear the computer geeks rummaging in their pants now. The film starts out well but after twenty minutes just becomes boring and silly with Hellboy constantly mugging at the camera with cheesy one-liners. The special effects are good, the make up is awesome, but these don't make a good movie. Two hours for a comic book fantasy, felt like an eternity and the whole cinema seemed to be willing the film to end.
It's difficult to write anything else about this film, because I became so bored that I was nearly falling asleep. The love interest is ridiculous, no human being is going to fall for a devil looking 6 foot 5 man who has horns growing from his skull. But, its a fantasy film I hear you cry. This may be true but its set in the real world, with real people, so its not that fantasy. There's not much else to say, some people will probably like this film if there into marvel comics etc, but the majority of the cinema going public would rather pull out teeth with a pair of pliers. Or put it this way, why pay £3 to go to sleep? I can do that for free at home!!
Just don't go and watch this ok!!
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