Christmas Cheer! Not this year!

Lemony Snicket

The Grinch that stole christmas was the biggest grossing film of 2000. It was a massive hit and had Jim Carrey in full on mental mode! 7 hours of make up to transform him into the evil Grinch. Now, most people in work know that i think Jim Carrey is the greatest and i also get ribbed a lot for this. But, Jim's new film is looking to repeat the huge box office take of the Grinch with Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate events.
Based on a series of kid's books which are huge in the USA, Jim stars as Count Olaf. Go to the link and watch the trailer, you can already see that it looks like Jim's back to his best. After, a couple of years of being fairly quite, this could be the film that keeps Jim at the top of the comedy box office.
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